Seminar 8 - Farmington

 Our last trip took us to the Northwest Corner of the state... by wind or by truck, you be the judge... 

We were able to enjoy some time at NAPI exploring the fields and getting to learn more about their operations.  Another fascinating visit was our tour of PESCO, who provides pressure tanks to oil and gas companies.  I'd never heard of PESCO and certainly hadn't seen inside one of the tanks frequently seen in the field so this was a fascinating tour of the facility including going through all of their buildings contributing to the assembly line.  

I really enjoyed hearing about the community efforts that seem to run very strong in this part of the state including San Juan Soil & Water Conservancy District helping BLM and the Growing Forward Farm run by San Juan County Extension.  It is refreshing to hear of the communities that are so strongly supporting Agriculture and the farmers & ranchers in the area.  


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